
Welcome! This is my attempt at an Un-official Martha Wainwright Blog. It's been going for a while now and although there was a need to begin with- Since I first started out, Martha's website and Facebook page have lots more info! This is just a back up now really, but hope it is useful :)

Thursday 28 July 2011

Hey! If you don't necessarily see a blog post here about something check the twitter feed. (Up on the right) Check it out now as a test!

There are loads of vids on you tube now.... just check out this page as a good starting point: LysWantTwo

Sunday 24 July 2011

Only just noticed this one! Stormy Weather Honestly you have to check this one out!

Some more things about the ROH

Hi there everyone,

Been a bit delayed in posting some things I have noticed, and hope I can find them all again.... been preoccupied with weddings and as was just at the Martha and Rufus one on Tues, lost track of the others in as much detail.. or something like that! ....

Firstly this is from today's newspaper, so go out and get it if you are in the UK!: The Observer - which I still have yet to do!

No idea if I have done this first one already... probably have:
Sweet Thames Flow Softly (which i now have playing repeat on youtube, singing along with my own 'harmonies'!!!)

oops, i never posted this... just opened this window up a coupe of hours later... sorry not many links yet... there are prob more reviews and def a few more vids with a youtube search...

Thursday 21 July 2011

Some great pics from 'The House of Rufus' at the ROH

which of course includes pics of Martha.... Try the link here

Review in The Independent

Great Review in The Independent

Agree with most of that this reviewer had to say.... as have to say that 'When the Day is Short' and 'Factory' with the band were def a couple of my favourites of the night.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Review(s) of Last Night at the ROH

from This is London

I was there too!

First half was Martha, solo and with the band for a few numbers. Second half started out with Rufus solo and then Martha and the rest of the band joined....

Particularly liked the stuff with Rufus and the band....

First half... There were about 3 new songs played as well as.... urm.... let me try and remember (in no particular order)..... When the Day is Short, Factory, This Life, L'Accordioniste, La Foule, Tell My Sister, The Car Song, Year of the Dragon, I am a Diamond.....

Second half.... have a look at my pic of (someone else's) programme, as think mostly correct.....

The 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' duet with Rufus was fun and gave me a chuckle! But all really good and really like the sound of the band! One of Martha's new songs in the first half was a band song, and really hope there will be more songs in that direction.... as it created a good vibe!

Sorry bit tired, but if I think of something else I will add it!!!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

I've been a little slack of late.... but!

Here is something to get you going again.... Here is a link to some family pics, which will be part of the 'House of Rufus' big box set thingy! And yes, next week Martha is playing with Rufus at the Royal Opera House on Tuesday 19th July! No doubt she will be appearing with him on the other nights too.... (Depends how much you can afford!)