
Welcome! This is my attempt at an Un-official Martha Wainwright Blog. It's been going for a while now and although there was a need to begin with- Since I first started out, Martha's website and Facebook page have lots more info! This is just a back up now really, but hope it is useful :)

Monday 28 November 2011

Bits and Bobs

Martha at a charity gala here for the Segal Cancer Centre 16th November

Brooklyn Vegan review of the Winery Show/s here

And part of a video from the most recent show here

Don't think I have spotted this before: an extended interview about the Sydney Opera House Ship Song vid... here

Thursday 10 November 2011

I've been slack, I am sorry....

However, if you have not already seen this on her website/facebook, check out this link to a recent privatish (?) performance here in Spinner


oh and just did a you tube search and this small snippet came up ha ha!