
Welcome! This is my attempt at an Un-official Martha Wainwright Blog. It's been going for a while now and although there was a need to begin with- Since I first started out, Martha's website and Facebook page have lots more info! This is just a back up now really, but hope it is useful :)

Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Here's a link to the family Xmas concert! Enjoy!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

canada a not so silent night will be broadcast on 23rd December it seems. Hope it goes up on the website!

Friday 9 December 2011

Links megamix

I promised i would be back with some more links, so here they are:

A Youtube find to start you off: Martha performing at the Californians for a Cure  new song, unless I have missed something... (Which i could quite have easily done so!)

Nonesuch Records about A Not So Silent Night

Pic of Martha from Solange Azagury-Partridge with New Yorkers For Children Host an Evening in Celebration of the Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz There are more pics actually I discovered as I scrolled through, such as this one or this one

Martha to perform in 'Dead of Winter Festival' in Halifax, Canada here is an article I can not find the eventbrite link that is there.... (as in searched but could not find)

Here is a link to the Time Our Listing for A Not So Silent Night

Think I did this one already, but just in case the CBC listing for A Not So Silent Night. Looks like it will be recorded! 

Pic of Martha, Anna and Lily at Segal Cancer Centre Gala

A May 2012 date at her dad's show in NY link here

Don't really know what this is, but a pic from a Hepatitis C campaign

Ok, that is as far back as I am going to go in my google alerts for now! Think I have covered quite a lot!

Thursday 8 December 2011

article here about the xmas shows from Hour Community

and there have been a few more recently, which I will try and check out later!