
Welcome! This is my attempt at an Un-official Martha Wainwright Blog. It's been going for a while now and although there was a need to begin with- Since I first started out, Martha's website and Facebook page have lots more info! This is just a back up now really, but hope it is useful :)

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Sorry, I have been neglectful again!

While I look for all the things I have missed, here is a link to my playlist on You Tube, of Martha singing songs other than her own

Thursday 5 January 2012

27th Jan date

Thought I had shared this link, but maybe not! A link to Martha playing at 'InThe Dead of Winter Festival' in Halifax, N.S. 27th Jan!

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Where does Martha get her inspiration from?

Hi there everyone,

Hope you are all having a nice new year. Here is a link to how some artists get their inspiration and Martha is one of the artists covered. Press here for a link to The Guardian article Enjoy!

Have to say I agree with Martha about Sufjan. I didnt really know anything about him when I got to see a concert through ushering at a venue he played at last year and thought it was great. Had a really good feel-good feel to it! (Hopefully I can get away with my lack of variation in descriptive words there!)

Well I had better get on with some essay writing, so bye for now!