
Welcome! This is my attempt at an Un-official Martha Wainwright Blog. It's been going for a while now and although there was a need to begin with- Since I first started out, Martha's website and Facebook page have lots more info! This is just a back up now really, but hope it is useful :)

Monday 14 June 2010

i'm still going on about it!!!

but why not...

other maybe obvious but secondary thoughts that just sort of came into my mind about why it was so good. (And I am not even trying to think about why it is so good, I am just watching again on vimeo/you tube and the songs are anyway going around in my head naturally....)

....the concert had the right mix of songs (in every way e.g. fast/slow/solos/duets/family's role) and artists (family/friends/new). There was such sensitivity, honesty, generosity in the performances... something I really admire about the performers... I know it is a small thing, but it is even things, which I have seen before, like how the performers make space for each others and ensure everyone is seen. I know this was a particularly supportive performance, but I think it is true all the same.... and I like to see that in life!

Ok.... now to get on with life here!!! Really want to hear a good recording of it though!!!

oh and another review here from the Evening Standard

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